Renee Dalo

Online courses & resources for

Wedding Planners & Pros

Conquer Your Consult


Start booking dream clients quickly and efficiently! Gone are the days of chatting with a potential client for an hour (or more!) and not even booking the sale. In just under 90 minutes, you will learn everything you need to know to condense your consult calls and close the sale via Zoom or in person.

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Wedding Management 101

Are you still offering Day-of Coordination services? (And yes, Month-of is the same thing...)

Let me show you a way to make more money, provide higher quality services to your clients, establish yourself as an expert, and do your work with EASE.

There IS a better way to service our lower-budget clients, and you don't have to kill yourself in the process!  

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Offboarding for Success

An actionable, streamlined mini-course all about how to turn your clients into raving fans, get more referrals and set yourself up for continues success. 

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Need advice?

We aren't running a new Mastermind or Group Coach cohort until 2022 (y'all, it's BUSY in LA again!), so until then, I offer "Pick My Brain" sessions - one hour with me to talk about anything you want! Click through for details. - Renee


50% Complete

Two Step

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