Rock Your Wedding Biz

Rock Your Wedding Biz

Hosted by: Renee Dalo and Mindy Marzec

Feeling lost in the chaos of the wedding industry? Do you think your creative business is becoming too boring? Looking for no-BS business advice? You've come to the right place! Rock Your Wedding Biz shares the best,...

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42: How to Handle a Canceled Wedding

Happy Valentine's Day, lovers! Or should we say ... anti-Valentine's Day? On this episode we are covering a topic that doesn't get a lot of love: What to do when a client wants (or needs) to postpone or cancel their...
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41: How to Safeguard Your Biz for the Unexpected

Have you ever stopped to think about what would happen if you were suddenly unable to work? It's a scary thought, right? Well, it's what happened to this weeks guest, wedding planner Margaux Fraise, and she's here to...
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40: Working On The Go

Raise your hand if you walk away from your laptop only to pick up your phone and continue working. Yeah, us too. Since we now carry pocket computers around with us all day, this week we are talking about our fave apps...
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39: All About Inquiries

Wedding Pros: It's that time of year again! Get ready, because it's officially Inquiry Season! What? That's not what you call it? Listen in as we deep dive into all things Inquiry: response times, canned emails,...
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38: 6 Top Hacks for Successful Creative Business Owners

We are keeping ourĀ January resolutions to you going strong with this weeks episode! This week, we talk about the top hacks of Creative Business Owners. If you are overwhelmed and wondering which part of your biz needs...
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37: Productivity Tips for Wedding Pros

Do you wish you could be more productive? Our modern life makes it so easy to be a victim of "shiny object syndrome". Also, mindlessly scrolling on IG or Facebook isn't helping us live ourĀ best lives either. We want...
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36: Tips for Keeping Your Emails on Brand

You may have never considered this, but every single email you send out into the world IS your branding. Are you surprised? Your clients and other professionals in your life will interact with your emails far more...
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35: End of Year Review

In this final episode of 2018, Mindy and Renee look back at their first 30-something episodes and highlight the topics that resonated the most with you, our audience. No surprise that Pricing was our most liked topic,...
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34: How to Stop Negotiating Your Price

On today's episode, we chat about all things sales with special guest Maria Bayer. We tackle confidence, mindset, how to sell without being "salesy" and what to do when a potential client asks for a dreaded discount....
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33: 5 Social Media Trends for 2019

This week, Mindy leads a fascinatingĀ discussion all about Social Media Trends for 2019. What's in store for us next year? Augmented reality, more authenticity, ChatBots, Alexa, and MORE! As you know, we love social...
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32: Paper Planners We Love

Are you obsessed with paper planners like Mindy & Renee are? Or have you always wanted to try a paper planner, but didn't know where to start? Either way, we've got you covered. Over the years, we've invested...
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31: Styled Shoot Success Tips

Styled Shoots. If you are a Wedding Pro, we know you have an opinion on them. Whether you love them, hate them, or fear them, we've got you, boo! Styled Shoots are a necessary part of any Wedding Pros promotion and...
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