Rock Your Wedding Biz

Rock Your Wedding Biz

Hosted by: Renee Dalo and Mindy Marzec

Feeling lost in the chaos of the wedding industry? Do you think your creative business is becoming too boring? Looking for no-BS business advice? You've come to the right place! Rock Your Wedding Biz shares the best,...

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7: Entrepreneurship and Mental Health

In this episode, Renee and Mindy discuss a topic that needs to be discussed out in the open more - the subject of mental health. It is estimated 1 in 3 entrepreneurs will experience depression at some point in their...
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6: How to Get More Industry Referrals from your Peers

In today's episode we talk about how over 90% of Renee's client referrals are from her industry peers. We also share some networking tips and ways to make sure you're the most beloved professional in your circle!
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5: How to Do a Brand Audit

Today Renee and Mindy share their best tips for evaluating your business's brand, how to do a "brand refresh," and how to keep your branding consistent.
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4: Pricing

In this episode we tackle one of the most confusing and secretive topics in the wedding industry: pricing! We discuss how should you price yourself when you're new, why undercutting your competition is horrible, and...
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3: Is Blogging Dead?

Today's episode is all about blogging for your business. We discuss if the wedding blogging industry is dead or does it simply need to evolve? We also talk about the importance of maintaining your own blog on your...
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2: Wedding Management

In today's episode we will be covering the myth of day-of coordination, and why the industry should be calling it "wedding management."
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1: Introductions | What to Expect

Episode #1

Welcome to our first episode! Here you'll be introduced to Renee and Mindy, and we will discuss what you can expect on future episodes of Rock Your Wedding Biz!
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